Get Your Nightly Rest With Feng Shui Insomnia Remedies

Sleep is essential for our body and mind to rejuvenate, recharge and refresh itself in order to be able to function normally everyday. A nightly eight hours sleep is recommended but some people make do with six and others may need a couple more in order to feel fully recharged. When you have trouble sleeping for more then a week, you may be experiencing a disorder known as insomnia, which can occur due to a variety of reasons.

Recognizing insomnia in its early stages and treating it as soon as possible is crucial in order for you to get back to you normal life and/or not develop other disorders from lack of sleep.

The Causes Of Insomnia

Stress is by far the number one reason of insomnia but definitely not the only one. You can experience stress from work, relationship problems, financial difficulties or an existing medical condition. You can experience insomnia as a side effect from administering different types of drugs for an existing medical condition as well.

Whatever the reason of your insomnia, if not treated it can further develop other disorders such as, anxiety and depression along with change in appetite, mood swings and fatigue. Lack of quality sleep can leave you feeling drowsy the whole day and unable to focus on any activity, which can lead to accidents if you are handling hazardous materials at work, driving and/or cooking.

Treating Insomnia With Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that concentrates on combining lifestyles with the placement of items and/or furniture in the house in order to induce harmony of the body and mind. Some easy to follow feng shui insomnia remedies are to change your house and especially bedroom ambiance in order to relax your mind through the power of sight.

It is a well known fact is that visual effects impacts our mind faster and feng shui insomnia remedies helps create those effect to relax your mind into a blissful nights sleep. Some of the changes required in the feng shui insomnia remedies are changing the wall colors or your bedroom to pastel, soothing types, using comfortable bed sheets, pillows and mattresses as well as ensuring that you dont have any other disturbances in the bedroom like television or music of any kind.

Other feng shui insomnia remedies may include adequate lighting in the bedroom and/or playing soothing sounds that will help induce sleep. The best part about feng shui insomnia remedies is that it works with your mind and body to gradually retrain it to relax, relieve stress and get back the natural sleeping time you need. Feng shui insomnia remedies do not have any side effects unlike the existing sleeping drugs that are habit forming and often leave you drowsy the next day.