Using feng shui principles in the house-hunting phase is one of the most useful times to do so. There are many levels to understanding a home, including unseen influences based on when the house was built and combined with its precise compass orientation.
As an example, a house built in 1950 that faces south could present potential health problems for the occupants in the areas of the eyes or heart. Whereas a house built in 1970 that faces east could trigger bone or muscle problems for the occupants. These are UNSEEEN, but powerful influences.
There are many “seen” influences as well, which can affect our five basic senses: things we see, hear, smell, tase or touch. Following is a quick list of things to avoid if it all possible. But keep in mind that no house is deemed “bad feng shui” by just one flaw. It is always an accumulation of flaws which will yield a negative result on the occupants.
Avoid: 1. A house or apartment on a busy street. (Noise you cannot control.)
2. A first floor apartment over a large parking structure (noise, exhaust fumes.)
3. Within a block of a cemetary (sad, draining, “yin” type energy.)
4. Within a couple blocks of a hospital or fire station (sirens heard on a regular basis).
5. Close to a freeway or airport (noise, pollution).
6. Major, buckling cracks in pavement, foundation, driveway (can cause a variety of health problems unless you intend to fix the cracks immediately.)
7. Proximity to stagnant water (aside from now being a breeding ground for West Nile Virus, the stagnant water can contribute to crime or poor health).
8.Dead or dying landscape (drags energy down in the whole area).
9.A house built right into a mountain side (prone to water damage, mold, and ghosts).
10. A house built below street level or at the bottom of a hill (this house will be the recipient of downward, negative energy and literally prone to flooding.)
Stay tuned for more House Hunting Tips in the Part TWO article next month.
Feng Shui Master Kartar Diamond is author of the book, “Feng Shui For Skeptics: Real Solutions Without Superstition” which can be purchased directly at If you order the book from this website, mention that you subscribe to Amazine and you will receive a 10% rebate on the price of the book!