Chinese Earth Element Characteristics

The Earth element in Chinese is called Tu. Earth will bring out the practical side of each sign. Stability, patience, honesty and hardwork are represented by the Earth element. The people who are born in the years conquered by the Earth element are practical, calm, sensible and filled with logic. They are responsible, too ethical and firmly rooted in the morals. Although quite idealistic in their approaches but Earth people are very determined in whatever they do.

The people representing the Earth element tend to be loyal to their masters. These people are somehow believed to have dual character. They seek affectionate treatment in return for their love or they wish for more importance from others. Earth element people are firm, consistent but stubborn. They are also more down to earth than any other element.

Reliable and responsible, they are excellent with administration, coordination and effective implementation. These individuals are governed by logic and not emotion. Dutiful, cautious and methodical, they can work out logical solutions to almost all kinds of problems. Slow but sure is the motto for the Earth people. They get high respect and administration for their graceful behaviour and disciplined approach.

Earth people love to plan their life much in advance. However, Earth people are also known for their lack of creativity and imagination. They can also be demanding at times. This element is perfect for issues related to legacies and property. The color representing the Earth element is yellow. Bricks, tiles, natural stones and rectangular or flat shapes also representing this element.