Being in beautiful surroundings has long been known to have a beneficial impact on your overall health. Calm and serene surroundings can help alleviate stress, worry and anxiety and can therefore reduce both emotional and physical illness. Making your home and even place of work one of feng shui bliss will help you calm down and achieve your goals.
Clear out the Clutter. Obviously, being surrounded by clutter and mess is an ingredient for a stress filled life. If you are overwhelmed by papers, laundry, or other chores that have yet to be dealt with as soon as you walk in the door, you’ll have very little chance to feel peaceful.
Clearing out the clutter in your life may take a little time but it is well worth the effort. Taking an afternoon to tackle the closet or your filing system may involve a little stress, but the after effects will help ensure you get more and better quality rest and relaxation time. Clutter and mess makes us feel out of control and overwhelmed.
Hide Anxiety Inducing Items: One of the main secrets to a peaceful home or office involves hiding stressful items. Instead of having all your bills, or work and project notes displayed across your desk, come up with a neat and tidy way to organize them out of sight. Handy and beautiful boxes can be used or a nice looking filing cabinet can too. Making sure to keep these out of sight while still having them easily accessible is key to keeping yourself emotionally and physically clutter free. Seeing a pile of ‘to-do’ projects will only make you stressed out and will make your home feel less inviting to others too.
Add Pleasant Accents: Now that you’ve done away with some of the mess and clutter in your life you’ll want to use some of that open space to add something nice. Bringing fresh flowers into your home is always a great way to add beauty and peace to any surroundings. Plants and aromatic herbs are also great as green can be a really healing colour. On top of all this, pleasant scents can help make your place more relaxing and can carry you away to a nice and calm state of mind. Never forget the olfactory sense when picking your favourite flowers and herbs.
You may also want to focus on a colour scheme that makes you feel calm and peaceful. For some people painting the walls particular colours, or choosing throw cushions of a particular pattern or shade has a healing effect. Colours can reduce anxiety on a very physical level, so do take some time to consider how certain colours make you feel.
Taking the time to make your space as clutter free, clean and relaxing as possible will inevitably help you achieve health and wellness . This kind of space will also help you be more efficient and productive in your day to day life as you won’t be rummaging around looking for your keys or that paper you saw somewhere. Organization is central to success, but this doesn’t have to be unseemly. Beauty is just as important when it comes to having a stress-free zone.
Joe trains 5 times a week at Bally’s Gym in Orange County. A long-time fitness enthusiast, he recommends that you buy ephedrine and buy ephedra from Astronutrition.